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Are There Clouds in Your Future?
Certainly cloud computing is attracting lots of attention, luring smart phone customers to huge corporations. A recent survey asked people if they felt the cloud was delivering value. 41% responded yes, 5% said no, 39% thought it was too soon to tell, and 15% were unsure.
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Health Care Reform Reporting Updates
The IRS has clarified some additional health care reform reporting rules recently. Health care cost information must be reported on 2012 W-2s which will be issued in 2013. An exemption is given to smaller employers with fewer than 250 W-2s in 2011 until at least 2014—and possibly longer.
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Kids in Crisis
Statistics tell us that 15% of America’s children and teens are overweight, and an additional 16% are obese. That adds up to 24 million children – nearly tripled from what it was 30 years ago, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
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